
英語をどうにかする -8- あきらめるなっ!! わんもあせっ!!

"When creating the socket with asynchronous mode, or should I call it non-blokcing mode, it is very obvious to say that you must do many things which kernel was doing when using blocking mode. Communication by itself is asynchronous anyway, and hence, while in blocking mode, it was kernel, and/or libraries that was making this to act as if it is synchronous. However ...."


"When creating the socket with asynchronous mode, or should I call it non-blokcing mode, it is very obvious to say that you must do many things which kernel was doing when using blocking mode. Communication by itself is asynchronous anyway, and hence, while in blocking mode, it was kernel, and/or libraries that was making this to act as if it is synchronous. However ...."

最初の asynchronous の辺りで力尽き、non-blocking の辺りで脳みそが拒否をはじめ、あとはもうどんどんノイズと化していく…。


これをどうにかするには、わからない言葉はすっ飛ばす 事を覚えなくてはいけない。つまり:

"When creating the socket with asynchronous mode, or should I call it non-blokcing mode, it is very obvious to say that you must do many things which kernel was doing when using blocking mode. Communication by itself is asynchronous anyway, and hence, while in blocking mode, it was kernel, and/or libraries that was making this to act as if it is synchronous. However ...."



"When creating the socket with asynchronous mode, or should I call it non-blokcing mode, it is very obvious to say that you must do many things which kernel was doing when using blocking mode. Communication by itself is asynchronous anyway, and hence, while in blocking mode, it was kernel, and/or libraries that was making this to act as if it is synchronous. However ...."


"When creating the socket with asynchronous mode, or should I call it non-blokcing mode, it is very obvious to say that you must do many things which kernel was doing when using blocking mode. Communication by itself is asynchronous anyway, and hence, while in blocking mode, it was kernel, and/or libraries that was making this to act as if it is synchronous. However ...."

この辺りまで来ると、kernel とか library とかも意味がわかってくるので、However 以降の英語において kernel とか library というのが「カーネル」と「ライブラリ」だと言うことも類推できるようになる。




実は、英会話学校でずーっと英語を聞き続けることで鍛えているのはこの 理解できない単語に拘泥しない能力だ。もし、英会話学校でなかなか英語力がつかないと感じているならば、まじめに最初から全部の単語を把握して理解しようとしているからに違いない。




Billy は意外といいことを言っていたのだ。

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